Tino Reyes

Tino Reyes


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Angel Investor and Startup Consultant

Fantsy Football as an investment model – Tino Reyes

“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re probably in the wrong room. So, go find the rooms where there are a lot more people that are smarter than you and more successful and good things will come out of those rooms that you mix and engage with”


•Co-Founder and CEO of startup consultancy
•Part of Newchip Accelerator Mentor Team
•Angel fund with $8 mm AUM with investments in bombas.com, cleancult.com, donegood.co, hatchcollection.com, trygatsby.com, littlechonk.com, kraken.com, spacex.com
•Former Investment Banking Associate focused on upstream oil and gas industry
•Executed over USD4.0 billion in transactions across capital markets and mergers & acquisitions
•Successfully advised on over USD2.0 million in seed/start-up/growth financing

Specialties: Fundraising, Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Modeling, Market and Company Research, Management Consulting, Strategic Rationale