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impact investing
Shrina Kurani


Shrina Kurani

Engineer investing in climate solutions

Shrina Kurani is an engineer, entrepreneur, and fact-based problem solver. The daughter of Indian immigrants who sought the American Dream, she has focused her career on building businesses that reduce waste and create quality jobs.


impact investing
Keith Ippel


Keith Ippel

Spring Impact Capital

With over 25 years of experience as a leader in technology & impact businesses and as an angel investor, Keith has accelerated the growth of both small and large companies and raised over $80M in angel investment and venture capital.


impact investing
Chris Wake


Chris Wake

Founding Partner at Atypical

Chris Wake is the Founder of Atypical, an early stage venture fund investing in plausible science fiction. He brings two decades of experience as an operator to his investing, including work on both hardware and software in the fields of aerospace, AI, and cybersecurity.



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